Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Complex:
Proteins play a key role in almost all biological processes in which amino acids are the elementary components. Muscles, skin, hair and nails also consist mainly of proteins, which are always used and as such need to be supplied. The more varied and the more balanced the number of essential amino acids in a protein preparation are, the greater the biological worth for the human body. Amino Complex Capsules contain an ideal combination of potato and egg proteins, with a biological valency of 137. In comparison: The biological value of whey protein is about 105. Amino Complex Capsules represent a high-quality, cholesterol-free dietary supplement for every age group. Even those who eat little or no meat should ensure they have a balanced protein supply.
Preis: 18.50 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
Nutritional supplement with polyphenols, bioflavonoids and vitamin C. OPC Complex Capsules are a valuable food supplement. They were especially developed to satisfy the increased demand for antioxidative nutritients. OPC Complex Capsules contain important, healthy micro nutrients such as OPC (Oligomere Proanthocyanidine), polyphenols from grape seeds, red grapes and green tea, bioflavonids from citrus fruits and vitamin C from the West Indian cherry. They supply the organism with these valuable nutrients, which are required by the body for health, vitality and a healthy circulation. At the same time the OPC complex protects the cells from free radicals and the oxidative stress combined with these, and boosts the body's own immune system. Verified through an independent institute:Very high antioxidant capacity! The capacity of a substance to neutralize free radicals is stated using the so-called ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity). The higher the ORAC value, the stronger the antioxidant properties. For our OPC Complex Capsules, an exceptionally high value of 365,000 μmol TE/100 g has been determined.
Preis: 23.56 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
One of the key pre-requisites for good health is a vigorous, active immune system. If the body is lacking in specific nutrients, the immune system cannot fulfil its protective and defensive functions properly. Immune Complex Capsules contain a selected combination of vitamins and trace elements, whose importance for a healthy, active immune system has been confirmed by the European Food Safety Authority: Iron, selenium, zinc, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C and vitamin D3 all contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. Folate, iron, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and vitamin C all help to reduce tiredness and exhaustion.
Preis: 14.02 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
Food supplement with collagen hydrolysate (Fortigel®, Bodybalance®, Tendoforte®), glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin C and minerals. A healthy, vital, powerful feeling - that is what Collagen Vital Complex Plus can offer you! As a so-called structural protein, the body's own collagen, known in specialist circles as collagen, gives bones, joints, muscles and tendons support, strength and elasticity. With three different branded collagens (Fortigel®, Bodybalance®, Tendoforte®) and a combination of valuable vital substances such as vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, manganese, glucosamine and chondroitin, this unique food supplement is a real benefit for muscles, bones and joints. In particular, people of advancing age who want to remain physically and athletically active benefit from the proven effect of the ingredients, of which only a few should be mentioned here: Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation, which is important for normal bone, cartilage and blood vessel function. Manganese contributes to maintaining good bones and to connective tissue growth. Magnesium reduces tiredness and fatigue and supports normal muscle function. Collagen Vital Complex Plus can be easily and conveniently taken once a day as a drinking powder.
Preis: 40.80 £ | Versand*: 12.00 £ -
Food supplement with important vitamins for skin and nerves. B-vitamins are of special importance to the human body. The B-vitamins are summarised in the so-called vitamin-B-complex. Among others, they are essential for the nervous system, a normal mental function, the metabolism, the mucous membranes and the skin. All B-vitamins form a matching group, which fulfill their tasks in the metabolic process.
Preis: 5.56 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
B-vitamins are of special importance for the human body. The B-vitamins are summarised in the so-called vitamin-B-complex. Among others, they are important for the nervous system, a normal mental role, the metabolism, the mucous membranes and the skin. All B vitamins form a group that can fulfil their metabolic tasks together. Each capsule contains: Niacine 54,0 mg Pantothenic acid 18,0 mg Vitamin B6 5,4 mg Vitamin B1 3,9 mg Vitamin B2 5,1 mg Folic acid 450,0 μg Vitamin B12 9,0 μg
Preis: 8.32 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
Supplementary feed with colostrum, turmeric, cistus and zinc. Strong defences are important for a long and healthy dog life. A deficiency in nutrients, such as the trace element zinc, can impair the immune system, so care must be taken to ensure an adequate supply, especially in case of increased requirements. Tierlieb Immune Complex Dog Tablets provide organic zinc chelate, which is optimally absorbed and utilised by the body. Colostrum is the nutrient-rich first milk, which is very important for young dogs. It contains biologically active molecules, such as antibodies (immunoglobulins). The plant-based ingredients of rockrose (Cistus incanus) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) are rich in natural plant substances such as polyphenols and curcumin, which support the body and vitality in a natural way. Optimally bio-available zinc Supports the maintenance of a normal. healthy immune system
Preis: 16.82 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
A dietary supplement to support the immune system.The immune system is one of the most remarkable systems in the human body. An intact immune system consists of a complex network of specialized cells and molecules, which protect the body against 'invaders', such as bacteria and viruses. For that purpose it has a vast army of defenders which are produced in a complex process. In order to stay healthy, vitalised and active, the immune system needs a variety of micronutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Immuno-complex - small glass bottles contain a carefully formulated selection of these nutrients. They contain essential vitamins and trace minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin D and zinc, which have been proven to have beneficial effects on the healthy and normal functioning of the immune system. The trace element chromium contributes to a normal metabolism of macro nutrients. Enjoyable fruity-sour taste.
Preis: 24.71 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
A dietary supplement to support the immune system.The immune system is one of the most remarkable systems in the human body. An intact immune system consists of a complex network of specialized cells and molecules, which protect the body against 'invaders', such as bacteria and viruses. For that purpose it has a vast army of defenders which are produced in a complex process. In order to stay healthy, vitalised and active, the immune system needs a variety of micronutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Immuno-complex - small glass bottles contain a carefully formulated selection of these nutrients. They contain essential vitamins and trace minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin D and zinc, which have been proven to have beneficial effects on the healthy and normal functioning of the immune system. The trace element chromium contributes to a normal metabolism of macro nutrients. Enjoyable fruity-sour taste.
Preis: 65.04 £ | Versand*: 12.00 £ -
Nutritional supplement with B-vitamins, biotin and choline. Sufficient amounts of B-vitamins are essential for the metabolism and vitality because they are important for the nerves, mucous membranes and the skin. Tierlieb Vitamin-B-Complex Capsules contain a balanced combination of all B-vitamins to support the nerves of stressed dogs and cats and to prevent a lack of Vitamin B. In case of a vitamin B deficiency they tend to eat faeces and constantly scratch their skin. Especially young and breed animals need higher levels of B-vitamins. Biotin contributes towards a healthy skin and a shiny coat. Choline supports the lipometabolism and liver function.
Preis: 8.41 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £ -
Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) – Effizientes und flexibles Finanzmanagement für Ihr Unternehmen Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) sind Sie bestens gerüstet, um den sich stetig verändernden Geschäftsanforderungen gerecht zu werden. Diese moderne Finanzmanagementlösung von Microsoft ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Finanzmodelle proaktiv zu gestalten, um auf Marktentwicklungen zu reagieren und von ihnen zu profitieren. Nutzen Sie intelligente Prognoselösungen, um den Cashflow zu überwachen und zukünftige Trends zu identifizieren, und verbessern Sie Ihre Margen durch präzise Vorhersagen über die Zahlungseingänge Ihrer Kunden. Überblick über Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) bietet eine Reihe leistungsstarker Werkzeuge, die speziell dafür entwickelt wurden, um Ihre Finanzoperationen zu optimieren. Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen, sparen Sie Zeit bei der Budgeterstellung und verwalten Sie Ihre Finanzgeschäfte flexibel in mehreren Währungen und Einheiten. Mit Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) können Sie Ihre Geschäftsperformance effektiv überwachen und Ihre betrieblichen Arbeitsabläufe durch fundierte Entscheidungen verbessern. Merkmale von Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) Finanzplanung und -analyse: Steigern Sie die Agilität Ihrer Finanzplanung, Budgetierung und Prognose mit Copilot-gestützten Funktionen, die Ihnen helfen, auf Veränderungen im Markt schnell zu reagieren. Buchhaltung und Finanzabschluss: Beschleunigen Sie Ihren Finanzabschlussprozess und verbessern Sie die Berichterstattung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysen und Automatisierungstools. Steuerverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Steuervorgaben, Steuersätze und Abzüge effizient durch ein einheitliches Steuerdatenmodell, das Ihre Prozesse standardisiert. Angebot zur Barzahlung: Optimieren Sie Ihre Monetarisierungsstrategie mit KI-gestützter Rechnungsstellung, Debitorenbuchhaltung und Inkasso. Bargeldverwaltung: Verwalten Sie Ihre Liquidität mit Hilfe von Predictive Analytics und Cashflow-Prognosen, um jederzeit einen genauen Überblick über Ihre Finanzen zu haben. Geschäftsleistungsmanagement: Treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen und steigern Sie die Agilität Ihres Unternehmens mit Copilot-unterstützten Selfservice-Finanz- und Betriebsanalysen. Dynamics 365 Finance Operations ✓ Optimierte Finanz- und Betriebsprozesse ✓ Bessere Entscheidungsfindung durch Echtzeit-Datenanalyse ✓ Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Als erfahrener Microsoft Dynamics Partner führt HSO die Lösung mit einem individuell angepassten Implementierungsprozess in Ihrem Unternehmen ein und bietet Ihnen kontinuierlichen Support und Schulungen, damit Sie das volle Potenzial der Plattform ausschöpfen und nachhaltigen Geschäftserfolg erzielen. Effizienzsteigerung bei Finanzprozessen Dynamics 365 Finance automatisiert Finanzprozesse und reduziert Fehlerquellen, was zu einer deutlichen Effizienzsteigerung beiträgt. Echtzeit-Finanzanalysen Die Plattform von Microsoft bietet Echtzeit-Daten, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, schnelle und fundierte Finanzentscheidungen zu treffen. Verbesserte Liquiditätsplanung Dynamics 365 Finance optimiert den Cashflow, Prognosen und das Liquiditätsmanagement für Unternehmen, um die finanzielle Stabilität sicherzustellen. Nahtlose Integration und Skalierbarkeit Die Lösung integriert sich nahtlos in Microsoft-Anwendungen und verbessert die Datenverwaltung, sodass Sie Ihre Geschäftsprozesse mühelos skalieren können. Die Funktionen Dynamics 365 Finance Effizienzsteigerung bei Entscheidungsprozessen: Verbessern Sie Ihre Entscheidungsfindung durch den Einsatz von Self-Service-Analysefunktionen und fundierten Finanzanalysen. Cashflow-Management: Überwachen Sie Ihren Cashflow kontinuierlich und nutzen Sie fortschrittliche Prognosetools, um aktuelle und zukünftige Trends präzise zu analysieren. Prognosen für zukünftige Kundenzahlungen: Reduzieren Sie Abschreibungen und verbessern Sie Ihre Gewinnmargen, indem Sie vorhersagen, wann oder ob Kunden ihre Rechnungen begleichen werden. Effiziente Budgeterstellung: Sparen Sie Zeit und Aufwand mit der intelligenten Budgetvorschlagsfunktion, die historische Daten analysiert, um präzise Budgets zu erstellen. Schneller Abschluss der Finanzbücher: Optimieren Sie Ihr Finanzmanagement durch Unterstützung für mehrere Währungen und Entitäten innerhalb einer einzigen Instanz, und schließen Sie Ihre Bücher zügig ab. Barrierefreie Analysen: Nutzen Sie Self-Service-Analysefunktionen, um fundierte Entscheidungen auf Basis konsistenter Daten aus Dynamics 365 und externen Quellen zu treffen. Systemanforderungen Dynamics 365 Finance (NCE) ist eine cloudbasierte Lösung, die auf der robusten und skalierbaren Microsoft Azure Plattform betrieben wird. Für eine optimale Leistung sollten die spezifischen Systemanforderungen Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur berücksichtigt werden. Für detaillierte Informationen und eine umfassende Beratung, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte direkt.
Preis: 1316.55 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
Proteins play a key role in almost all biological processes in which amino acids are the elementary components. Muscles, skin, hair and nails also consist mainly of proteins, which are always used and as such need to be supplied. The more varied and the more balanced the number of essential amino acids in a protein preparation are, the greater the biological worth for the human body. Amino Complex Capsules contain an ideal combination of potato and egg proteins, with a biological valency of 137. In comparison: The biological value of whey protein is about 105. Amino Complex Capsules represent a high-quality, cholesterol-free dietary supplement for every age group. Even those who eat little or no meat should ensure they have a balanced protein supply.
Preis: 18.50 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Complex:
What is the Oedipus complex and the father complex?
The Oedipus complex is a concept in psychoanalytic theory proposed by Sigmund Freud. It refers to a child's unconscious desire for their opposite-sex parent, along with feelings of jealousy and rivalry towards their same-sex parent. The Oedipus complex is said to occur during the phallic stage of psychosexual development, typically between the ages of 3 and 6. The father complex, on the other hand, is a term used to describe a child's feelings and attitudes towards their father. It can encompass a range of emotions, including admiration, fear, and competition. The father complex is also a concept within psychoanalytic theory, and it is seen as a counterpart to the Oedipus complex. Both of these concepts are central to Freud's ideas about the development of personality and the formation of relationships.
What is the complex conjugate of a complex number?
The complex conjugate of a complex number is obtained by changing the sign of the imaginary part of the number. For a complex number of the form a + bi, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part, the complex conjugate is a - bi. In other words, the complex conjugate of a complex number is the reflection of the number across the real axis in the complex plane. The complex conjugate is denoted by adding a bar over the number, for example, the complex conjugate of z is denoted as z̅.
What are complex numbers and what does complex conjugate mean?
Complex numbers are numbers that can be expressed in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (√-1). The complex conjugate of a complex number a + bi is denoted as a - bi, where the sign of the imaginary part is flipped. Geometrically, the complex conjugate reflects the original complex number across the real axis on the complex plane. The product of a complex number and its complex conjugate is always a real number.
What is a pi complex and what is a sigma complex?
A pi complex is a type of coordination complex in which the metal ion is coordinated to a ligand through pi bonds. This type of complex typically involves the interaction of a metal ion with a ligand that contains a pi-bonding system, such as an aromatic ring or an alkene group. On the other hand, a sigma complex is a type of coordination complex in which the metal ion is coordinated to a ligand through sigma bonds. This type of complex typically involves the direct interaction of a metal ion with a ligand through the overlap of atomic orbitals, resulting in the formation of a sigma bond. Both pi and sigma complexes are important in the field of coordination chemistry and play a crucial role in the reactivity and stability of coordination compounds.
Is 1z complex differentiable?
No, 1z is not complex differentiable. In order for a function to be complex differentiable at a point, it must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, which require the function to be holomorphic. Since 1z is not holomorphic (as it does not satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations), it is not complex differentiable.
What are complex numbers?
Complex numbers are numbers that consist of a real part and an imaginary part, usually written in the form a + bi, where 'a' is the real part, 'b' is the imaginary part, and 'i' is the imaginary unit (√-1). These numbers are used in mathematics to solve equations that have no real solutions, such as the square root of a negative number. Complex numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided, just like real numbers. They are an essential part of many branches of mathematics and physics.
What are complex insults?
Complex insults are insults that are more elaborate and sophisticated than simple name-calling or derogatory remarks. They often involve a combination of clever language, sarcasm, and wit to deliver a cutting and impactful insult. Complex insults can be used to convey a deeper level of disdain or criticism, and are often employed in more formal or intellectual settings.
What is complex formation?
Complex formation refers to the formation of a complex compound by the association of a central metal ion with one or more surrounding ligands. The ligands are typically molecules or ions that have lone pairs of electrons available for bonding with the metal ion. The resulting complex can have a variety of structures and properties, and the formation of these complexes is important in fields such as chemistry, biochemistry, and environmental science. Complex formation can also play a crucial role in the behavior and reactivity of metal ions in biological systems and in the environment.
How can one properly represent a complex number in the complex plane?
To properly represent a complex number in the complex plane, we use the Cartesian coordinate system. The real part of the complex number is represented on the x-axis, and the imaginary part is represented on the y-axis. The complex number is then plotted as a point in the complex plane, with its position determined by the values of its real and imaginary parts. This representation allows us to visualize the complex number as a point in the plane and understand its magnitude and direction.
How do I solve complex inequalities and plot them in the complex plane?
To solve complex inequalities, first express the inequality in the form |z - a| < r or |z - a| > r, where z is a complex number, a is a complex constant, and r is a real number. Then, use geometric interpretations of the modulus of complex numbers to solve for the region in the complex plane that satisfies the inequality. For |z - a| < r, plot the locus of points that are a distance less than r from a, and for |z - a| > r, plot the locus of points that are a distance greater than r from a. This will give you the solution set in the complex plane.
How can one represent a complex voltage or a complex current in Word?
One can represent a complex voltage or current in Word by using the standard mathematical notation for complex numbers. For example, a complex voltage can be represented as V = V0e^(jθ), where V0 is the magnitude of the voltage, θ is the phase angle, and j represents the imaginary unit. Similarly, a complex current can be represented as I = I0e^(jφ), where I0 is the magnitude of the current and φ is the phase angle. These representations can be typed out using the equation editor in Word or by using the symbols for exponentiation and the imaginary unit.
What is a complex personality?
A complex personality is one that exhibits a wide range of traits, emotions, and behaviors that may seem contradictory or multifaceted. This type of individual may be difficult to predict or understand fully due to the various layers of their personality. They may possess a mix of strengths and weaknesses, making them both intriguing and challenging to interact with. Overall, a complex personality is one that is rich in depth and complexity, often defying simple categorization.